Back to Black “Thank you guys and gals. Fab film, fab service 10/10” We wanted to start off January with a bang. Our very first Thursday film in 2015 was “Men in Black”. January was our 100th Thursday screening and by pure coincidence we went “Back to Black”, a biographical film of the life of […]

“Of course he’s real !!!” And so we’ve arrived at Christmas once again and our penultimate show of the year. Just one more film and we’ll be switching off the projector, rolling up the screen and putting our feet up for a while! Needless to say the sprouts are already on. “Just the film to […]

  “The most enjoyable film of the year. (11/10 for the script and actors)” “Wonderful film and 11/10 for Volunteers, cream tea and lanterns !”   Sometimes there are film afternoon or evenings which seem particularly special, and our Sunday Matinee screening of “Downton Abbey” surely must qualify for that accolade.    “Downton Abbey – […]

  “Comedy & romance, hot chocolate and cake. What more do you want on a Sunday afternoon? “     “Please thank all the volunteers”   Although 3 light due to illness we still had 13 fabulous Volunteers making light work of running Sunday’s showing of “About Time”. Thank you to John, Paula W, Mark […]

          Many years ago I put together and ran a management training course at my company for junior IT managers who were potential high fliers based around some real life business scenarios. They’d come from all over the world and at the Friday night pre-course briefing session I’d warned them that […]

“An obviously great evening as ever. My usual real treat which keeps me going. But truly enhanced by such a wonderful choice of film and band.” Well that’s the first film of the year done and dusted, just 21 to go and it will be Christmas!!! Bo-Rap was deliberately chosen as the January film to […]

And so another year of cinema in Billericay comes to a close. Thank you to everyone who came along to one (or both !) of our Christmas films: “The Holiday”,  a modern Christmas classic from 2006 and one of the greatest Christmas films of all time “It’s a Wonderful Life” from 1946. Starting with “The […]

“Great place for Billericay to have” “Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon” “Great film and atmosphere. Will recommend to friends”   What an afternoon! We had some music, it was almost standing room only, we had quite a few first time visitors, two new Volunteers as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme […]

Following some rather nasty weather which continued into the evening a number of guests preferred (understandably !) to stay at home, however, 36 (of 51) braved it through the cold and rain and the atmosphere inside the hall was buzzing.   We started the evening with two “Long Service” Volunteer presentations to Chris and Jo. […]

“Fabulous film. “Brilliant, thank you “Where the Crawdads Sing” proved our most popular Sunday Matinee to date; we even had to operate a waiting list. The audience included quite a few “first timers” who had read Delia Owens’ very popular 2018 novel and who wanted to see how the 2022 film told the tale; feedback […]