“Comedy & romance, hot chocolate and cake. What more do you want on a Sunday afternoon? “



“Please thank all the volunteers”


Although 3 light due to illness we still had 13 fabulous Volunteers making light work of running Sunday’s showing of “About Time”. Thank you to John, Paula W, Mark W, Sarah, Ken, David, Chris, Paul, Paula H, Martin, Mark V, Jo and Adam.


“Not keen on the film though second half was better than the first.”

“Fantastic choice of film. Thank you very much”


With 32 votes cast, at the top end the film gained 17 perfect scores, a few 9s, and three 8s – lower down there were a few scores in the 5 to 7 range as some felt the film either very slow or not very good at all in the first half. Not quite a “marmite” film the average score of 8.7 placed it 3rd of the four Sunday Matinee films this year.
My “comment of the day” was a standout: “Very good. I’d like a cupboard”. Wouldn’t we all!


“Amazing fruit cake”

As usual a number of mentions for the cake – all down to the wonderful Jo on Sunday



With one key member of the Kitchen team unwell Chris joined Paula, Sarah and Jo on kitchen duty. This seems to have led to a complete breakdown of discipline as an impromptu Yoga session broke out in the kitchen!


Thank you to Paula and John W who did an excellent job taking over on the cash tills. John in particular has analysed all our 50p pieces and concluded we have no valuable ones in the till!


With Mark H unwell the pressure was on David who (strangely) chose to play our regular post-film game of 3 dimensional Tetris (otherwise known as packing the crates away). Congratulations to David on achieving his Level 3 Cage Tetris badge!



And here’s all the other feedback….


How do you do it ? Keep coming up with films that are unexpected. Absolutely loved it. Perhaps I’m a “softee” after all ? Great, enjoyable time !!!
Lovely film

A really beautiful film and lovely afternoon. Thank you

Refreshments excellent – as was the film. Can Richard Curtis make a bad film? No!

So good !!!

Wonderful x

Thought the first half was rubbish but got much better ! Great cake as usual

Lovely film – thank you

Relaxing and fun ! 

Good cake ! 

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